
Tuesday, 17 January 2012

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Technology I have used:

Blogger- From using Blogger my mind had been opened to the wide range of software's and ways in which something can be presented by using things such as: Gifs, Youtube annotations, Jing videos, Prezzies, Slideshare, Feedback videos and many more. I have specifically learnt how to embed a video which can be important when explaining something as you can have an example there to accompany it. I used a Jing video which can be found on my blog on how to Embed a Video.
Jing/ Screen-o-matic - By using a Jing video or a screen-o-matic I learnt a new and interesting way of videoing and demonstrating something to someone without actually filming the screen. This lets you film the screen directly with accompanied voice over, then in the end creating a tutorial. The main thing I learnt from this is to firstly use the actual software but to mainly save and then upload the video to my blog whilst changing the size of it to 580x320. Examples of these have been used in this post.
Live Type- As a result of using this software I found out interesting ways to create effective titles instead of just using the ones on I Movie HD. This opened up the selection of effects such as Fade in, Baffle, Drop and Bounce and Lurch.
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I Movie- As I have never used any I Movie software before I got to learn from scratch how to locate where the clips on the memory card were, import them and also to optimize the clips so they fit the screen better and more efficiently.

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I Movie HD- By using I Movie HD I learnt how to import and construct footage and then export it. Also I have learnt how to slow down or speed up a specific clip by using the 'Fast/Slow/Reverse' effect. In addition to this I also found out how to adjust the sound to the right volume.

Prezie, Sliderocket, Dafont,, Bubbl and Slideshare: I have used these technologies in my research, planning and evaluation posts in order to make them supervisual and it allows me to present the text in a interesting manner. Prezi is an interactive presentation, Sliderocket is a slideshow presentation but it appears and lets you include videos on the slide in an imaginative way, Dafont lets you download new and better fonts than the basic ones on microsoft word etc, Bubbl is an online mind-map and Slideshare allows you to upload and publish a presentation in which you made on microsoft powerpoint. All of these technologies have really allowed me to present my posts in an imaginative manner. Each of these technologies were new to me so I had to learn how to use them from the basics and I feel I have becomed more skilled in them already.

Prezie -  Here is an example of where I made a prezi for my blog:

    Sliderocket Example of a Sliderocket I have used: - -

    Bubbl -

    Slideshare -

    Camera- Even though using a camera is quite straight forward, the main thing I learnt
    from using one is how to pull focus. I learnt how distance can be important for when trying out this effect we had to play around with how close and far away people were to the camera. Adding to this I really learnt how correct camera shots and movements can really add to an effective shot as well as how continuity is a major aspect when filming

    Fig-rig- Using a Fig-Rig enables you to capture something more effectively. For instance when filming my opening sequence with my group we used one of these to follow the actor walking and also mobilise the camera without too much wobble. Making the shots appear more steady and clearer. Here is an example of where we used it in our opening sequence:

    Youtube- By adding annotations to a youtube clip it allowed me to present my analysis in an interesting and effective way. It let me to say what I wanted to and position it where I wanted to so the viewer can see it in a clear way. It also allowed the annotations to appear at the point of which I was explaining.

      Tripod- I learnt how effective using a Tripod really is. How you can adjust its height to capture something effectively e.g. eyeline match, how you can adjust the angle and also how you can loosen certain knobs to create movements such as a pan and the main thing is that it holds the camera very steady allowing you to capture a clear shot.

      By using these wide range of technologies I really feel like I have learnt a range of new technologies and developed my skills with the ones I have already used. I can use in the future to my advantage when I need to, whether it be in my blog work or being included in my actual media product.

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