
Friday 25 November 2011

Initial Ideas

The locations that we think we could possibly film in would be dark, eerie places to create a specific atmosphere. The use of low key lighting which would reveal/not reveal the aspects chosen. We thought up locations such as Waterloo, Piccadilly and a general house.

Focusing on costumes, props we wanted each character  to have a specific one so that the audience can clearly identify them. The costumes need to communicate and suit the personality/ attitude of each one The props need to link in with what's happening e.g. knife, fake blood etc.

When working together we developed our ideas by taking the basic point of "challenging stereotypes" and thought how we could work around this. We each took turns in what we thought we could do and if it would work and be effective. We chose to do a thriller as we really wanted to concentrate on building up the tension/suspense as wall as giving an intriguing story line. We also wanted to break away from the typical stereotypes of the role of genders in the genre.

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