
Tuesday 28 February 2012

Peer Assessment - 28/02/12

Here is an assessment carried out by one of my class mates who looked and reviewed my 'Evaluation' posts. Here is what they said:

From looking at the feedback I can see that I need to add more videos of examples of how I have done and included certain things in my media product, in order to make it more clear for the audience to see and possibly understand. I take on everything my peer has said and will work on improving what I need to and take on the good points in order to carry it on in any future posts.

Monday 20 February 2012

Teacher Assessment: Opening sequence

Here is the feedback sheet we recieved as our teachers evaluated and marked our opening sequence:

As you can see in the feedback sheet we have been given points of which were good and points of improvements. We have till 28th February in order to take on and complete these improvements. In order to do this in a effiecient way my group and I sat down together and organised what dates on which we will re-shoot specific clips and times where we can complete the other improvements.

Friday 10 February 2012

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

In this video below I talk about how my group and I first chose 20th Century Fox to distribute our media product but then changed our minds due to taking into account certain aspects, which is all explained in the clip:


2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Here is a Slidrocket presentation on how I have represented certain social groups in my opening sequence: